Multiplayer Testing Grounds

This is a Pocket Code project that was made simply to experiment with new things. And this is the reason most people on the Pocket Code community know me for. (I was a really adventurous 13 year old lol. Still am today, exept I'm 2 years older). I had a lot of fun making it, testing with an online friend that goes by the name "Foelish", and spending 3 hours trying to fix an error in my code, only to realize I had to delete a few characters to get it working (Definitley didn't happen 🥲 ). Any way, this page documents all versions of MTG and detais on how I made them


The OG, I made a quick prototype for it using a PHP webserver. When I first showed people it, they told me I was a nerd and told me that they wanted me to expand upon it. I didn't want to make a competitive game with it, since people with malicious intent could modify the code to give them an upper hand in the game. So I wanted to further improve the engine and add more slots. While I could do that, but that's no fun. So I did something else to further improve it.

Download Original

Infinite Slots

Yes, infinite slots. Rather than modifying the server to add players into a json file of data, then remove them when they leave. I did what Griffpatch did with the infinite slot games he's made. I told the game to replace one of the server's data at random. I still kept the amount of variables to two, since I knew there wasn't going to be more than 2 players on at the same time.

Download infinite slots


In this version, I've completely remade the game. This time, I've remade the game in an actual game engine this time! (I made the game in the Unity Game Engine.). Besides a few other projects that I've made in the engine. I (somewhat) knew what I was doing. However, I haven't made an online multiplayer game in Unity before! So I used the Photon package and it was pretty straight forward, thought it would go to hell pretty quickly lol. The original game was made for mobile, though it took me 2 days to do it, and the mobile port's multiplayer didn't even work in the end lol.